Sunday, June 13, 2010

Border Patrol hits day labor corner in Rancho Cucamonga / Cae la migra en Rancho Cucamonga

Border Patrol hits day labor corner in Rancho Cucamonga Cae la migra en Rancho Cucamonga
by Rockero Friday, Jun. 26, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Se llevaron a un jornalero de la esquina y a otros cinco o seis en una casa cercana. They kidnapped one day laborer from the corner and five or six others from a nearby house.

Border Patrol hits d...

Viernes, el 26 de junio 2009

RANCHO CUCAMONGA--La red de Justicia por los Inmigrantes, atenta a la ola de redadas de la patrulla fronteriza, estuvo presente en la esquina de los jornaleros (Arrow y Grove) en la ciudad de Rancho Cucamonga. Nos mobilizamos para estar presente en caso de cualquier abuso de los derechos de los jornaleros y para documentar cualquier enfrentamiento.

Pocos jornaleros se presentaros para trabajar--tal vez sospechaban algo. Cerca de las ocho y media, llegaron dos vehículos tipo SUV que cayeron de repente. Fueron seguidos por un coche que se quedó a una cierta distancia de la esquina. Se bajaron los agentes, uno de los cuales no andaba uniformado, y empezaron a interrogar a los tres compañeros presentes, pidiéndoles sus documentos. A uno que no contestó le registraron los bolsillos, sacando su cartera y ojeando su contenido. Lo arrestaron y lo metieron a la camióneta.

Poco después, nos enteramos de que los agentes de la migra se habían ido a buscar a más indocumentados en una calle a una cuadra de la esquina. Varios guatemaltecos los vieron, y echaron a correr a su casa. Los agentes los persiguieron hasta el interior de la casa, y arrestaron a unos seis, o tal vez siete, más, incluyendo a un hombre que estaba dormido al momento de llegar los compañeros y la migra.

Friday, June 26, 2009
RANCHO CUCAMONGA--The Inland Empire Justice for Immigrants network, aware of the increased presence of immigration enforcement, was present for a Border Patrol raid on the Rancho Cucamonga day labor corner at Arrow and Grove. We mobilized instantly to be present in case in human rights abuses occurred in order to document them. Most of the normal day laborers were not present, but a few were there.

Before 8:30, two SUVs quickly pulled up and parked. One, a tan Chevy Tahoe, was unmarked. Another, a white Tahoe, had government-issued plates. Agents, including one man disguised as an employer, got out and started interrogating the three men who remained, asking them for their documents. One young man refused to answer their questions, so they started rifling through his pockets, ultimately throwing him in the back of the tan SUV and departing.

Shortly afterward, we found out that the Border Patrol had turned down a street near the corner to continue their hunt. They approached a group of Guatemalans, some of whom began to ran to their place of residence. The agents pursued them, entering the home. There they arrested six or seven men, including one man who had been asleep when his roommates and the migra entered.

Unmarked Border Patrol vehicle

by Rockero Friday, Jun. 26, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Unmarked Border Patr...

VIDEO: Border Patrol raid on day laborer corner

by Rockero Friday, Jun. 26, 2009 at 11:42 AM

QuickTime movie at 80.3 mebibytes

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